On Stopcouk Launches Service to Prevent Late Payments
Released on = January 4, 2006, 5:37 am
Press Release Author = Victoria Selman
Industry = Management
Press Release Summary = On Stop.co.uk launches unique new service to help its members improve their cash flow by preventing late payments.
Press Release Body = As all business owners know the state of a company's cash flow is of paramount importance to its financial health and that late payments are one of the main contributors to cash flow problems.
With this in mind, On Stop has launched a unique new service to help its members improve their cash flow by encouraging customers who owe them to pay up- fast.
OnStop writes to late paying customers on behalf of its members to ask them to make any outstanding payments within ten days or risk being blacklisted by OnStop.
This technique is so effective that 95% of companies who receive a request from On Stop to pay do so within the required ten days.
Web Site = http://www.onstop.co.uk
Contact Details = OnStop Limited Enterprise Way Airedale Business Park Keighley Road Skipton United Kingdom BD23 2TZ
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